Local Breweries Donate Spent Grains to Our Farm

Three local breweries, Noble Creature Cask House (Downtown Youngstown), Birdfish Brewery (Columbiana) and Crooked Tongue Brewery (Pulaski) are all donating their spent grains to Farmer Casey’s Ranch benefitting both Purple Cat and Golden String Inc.

The farm uses the spent grains for composting and animal feed. The spent grains help break down recyclables into usable soil. Shown here are Marcie and Ira from Noble Creature and Josh Dunn from Birdfish (with Golden String Director of Daily Operations, Jimmy Sutman).

The group was together for Homebrew Day on May 5 sponsored by Gregg Wormley’s Pumphouse and our area’s local home brewers. Over $2000 was raised for Golden String Inc.

Thank you friends!